A new indie film award competition, named ‘Casablanca Film Factory Awards’, has been formed by filmmaker Nirmal Baby Varghese, who will serve as festival director. The festival aims to promote films, and be another step up in the filmmakers’ careers.
This is an online award competition conducted by Casablanca Film Factory for independent filmmakers across the globe. It will accept feature films, short films, and documentaries as entries, via FilmFreeway, the world’s best online submission platform, from various countries across the globe.
In a statement, Nirmal said, “Every three months, our jury will award the best films through private screenings. Seasonal award winners will be chosen to compete in the annual best of the best competition.” Final deadline for the entries expires on June 5, 2022.
Submission link: https://filmfreeway.com/CasablancaFilmFactoryAwards
Promo video: https://youtu.be/JYocoXgsipo