{"id":66085,"date":"2022-05-27T04:54:25","date_gmt":"2022-05-27T08:54:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.worldcatholicnews.com\/the-world-and-everything-in-it-may-27-2022\/"},"modified":"2022-05-27T04:54:25","modified_gmt":"2022-05-27T08:54:25","slug":"the-world-and-everything-in-it-may-27-2022","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.worldcatholicnews.com\/the-world-and-everything-in-it-may-27-2022\/","title":{"rendered":"The World and Everything in It – May 27, 2022"},"content":{"rendered":"

MYRNA BROWN, HOST:\u00a0Good morning!<\/p>\n

Student questions today for John Stonestreet!<\/p>\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0Yes, we have been teaching World Journalism Institute this week\u2014and we\u2019ll continue for another week working with our students\u2014and you\u2019ll hear a few of them today on Culture Friday.<\/p>\n

Also a new movie about an unbelievable mission that helped win World War II.<\/p>\n

And your listener feedback.<\/p>\n

BROWN:\u00a0It\u2019s Friday, May 27th. This is The World and Everything in It<\/em> from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I\u2019m Myrna Brown.<\/p>\n

EICHER:\u00a0And I\u2019m Nick Eicher. Good morning!<\/p>\n

BROWN: Up next, Kent Covington has today\u2019s news.<\/p>\n\n

KENT COVINGTON, NEWS ANCHOR:\u00a0Authorities still piecing together timeline in deadly school shooting \u00bb <\/strong>Authorities in Texas say they\u2019re still piecing together the timeline of events before and during Tuesday\u2019s school massacre in Uvalde. <\/p>\n

Victor Escalon with the Department of Public Safety told reporters Thursday \u2026<\/p>\n

ESCALON: We want to know what happened, recreate the scene. That takes days; that takes hours; that takes times; a lot of information. <\/em><\/p>\n

Dispatchers received the first 911 call at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday. That was right after suspect Salvador Ramos crashed a pickup truck near Robb Elementary School and fired his AR-style rifle at bystanders. <\/p>\n

Escalon said the shooter climbed a school fence and entered a door on the west side, shooting the entire time. Police are investigating whether the door was unlocked.<\/p>\n

ESCALON: It was reported that a school district police officer confronted the suspect that was making entry. Not accurate. He walked in undisrupted initially. <\/em><\/p>\n

He said police arrived approximately four minutes after the shooter entered, but a U.S. Border Patrol tactical team did not kill him until roughly an hour later.<\/p>\n

The shooter allegedly barricaded himself in two adjoining classrooms. During that time, Escalon said authorities helped other students and personnel escape. <\/p>\n

While waiting for backup, police tried to negotiate with the shooter, who responded with further shots to keep officers at bay.<\/p>\n

The Texas Rangers are leading the investigation, along with several federal agencies.<\/p>\n

Trump loses appeal, must testify in New York civil probe \u00bb\u00a0<\/strong>Former President Donald Trump will have to testify under oath in a New York state civil investigation into his business practices. That was the ruling from a state appeals court on Thursday. WORLD\u2019s Anna Johansen Brown has more. <\/p>\n

ANNA JOHANSEN BROWN, REPORTER: A four-judge panel upheld Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron\u2019s February ruling enforcing subpoenas for Trump and his two oldest children. They will have to answer questions in Attorney General Letitia James\u2019 probe of the Trump business.<\/p>\n

Trump\u2019s lawyers argued that ordering them to testify violated their constitutional rights because their answers could be used in a parallel criminal investigation.<\/p>\n

The Trumps could still appeal the ruling to the state\u2019s highest court, the Court of Appeals.<\/p>\n

Letitia James, a Democrat, has said her investigation has uncovered evidence Trump\u2019s company used \u201cfraudulent or misleading\u201d valuations of assets to get loans and tax benefits.<\/p>\n

The former president\u2019s lawyers say the probe is baseless and politically motivated. <\/p>\n

Reporting for WORLD, I\u2019m Anna Johansen Brown. <\/p>\n

Blinken: US to leverage Russia-Ukraine bloc against China \u00bb\u00a0<\/strong>Secretary of State Tony Blinken said Thursday the Biden administration aims to lead a coalition of free nations in a long-term effort to counter China. <\/p>\n

Russia\u2019s invasion of Ukraine has largely united the West, but Blinken said the free world must be clear about the larger threat. <\/p>\n

BLINKEN: China\u2019s the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order, and increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it. <\/em><\/p>\n

He said, \u201cBeijing\u2019s vision would move us away from the universal values that have sustained so much of the world\u2019s progress over the past 75 years.\u201d<\/p>\n

Blinken laid out a vision to marshal U.S. resources and work closely with friends and allies to stand firm against China\u2019s increasingly troubling behavior. <\/p>\n

BLINKEN: Under President Xi, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has become more repressive at home and more aggressive abroad. <\/em><\/p>\n

He made clear that the United States does not seek to change China’s political system, rather it wants to promote a tested alternative.<\/p>\n

Abortion group challenges protections for unborn in Oklahoma \u00bb\u00a0<\/strong>An abortion group in Oklahoma filed a legal challenge Thursday seeking to halt a new law that would largely put an end to abortions in that state. WORLD\u2019s Josh Schumacher has that story. <\/p>\n

JOSH SCHUMACHER, REPORTER: The lawsuit asks the Oklahoma Supreme Court to stop the new law from taking effect. <\/p>\n

The new law would prohibit all abortions except to save the life of a pregnant woman or if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.<\/p>\n

Previously, the court declined to temporarily halt a similar law that protects unborn children from about six weeks of pregnancy. That law took effect earlier this year. <\/p>\n

But the court did agree to hear arguments in that case and scheduled dates for briefs to be filed over the summer.<\/p>\n

Reporting for WORLD, I\u2019m Josh Schumacher. <\/p>\n

Oklahoma governor signs public school bathroom bill \u00bb\u00a0<\/strong>Meantime, the state of Oklahoma may have another legal battle on its hands over a separate law. <\/p>\n

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has signed a bill requiring public school students to use only the bathroom of the sex listed on their birth certificate.<\/p>\n

The Republican author of the bill, Representative Danny Williams, said \u201cIt\u2019s about common sense.\u201d He added, \u201cThe goal of this bill is to protect our children.\u201d<\/p>\n

LGBT activists and allied groups, including the ACLU, say they\u2019re discussing legal action. <\/p>\n

Actor Ray Liotta dies at 67 \u00bb\u00a0<\/strong>Actor Ray Liotta has died. He was best known for playing mobster Henry Hill in Goodfellas<\/em> and baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson in Field of Dreams<\/em>.<\/p>\n

CLIP: Hey, is this heaven? No, it\u2019s Iowa. <\/em><\/p>\n

In contrast to his on-screen tough-guy persona, Liotta said in a 1997 interview that he was actually rather gentle in real life. <\/p>\n

LIOTTA: I have been in one fight in my whole life and that was in the 7th grade. It\u2019s just not who I am, but it\u2019s interesting that people think that way. <\/em><\/p>\n

And despite multiple roles as an Italian mobster, he learned later in life that he wasn\u2019t even Italian. <\/p>\n

The Newark, New Jersey, native was adopted at the age of six months. He later learned his birth parents were Scottish. <\/p>\n

Liotta reportedly died in his sleep Wednesday night while in the Dominican Republic to film a new movie. He was 67 years old.<\/p>\n

I\u2019m Kent Covington.\u00a0Straight ahead: Culture Friday.<\/p>\n

Plus, your listener feedback.<\/p>\n

This is The World and Everything in It<\/em>.<\/p>\n\n

MYRNA BROWN, HOST:\u00a0It\u2019s Friday, May 27th, 2022. Glad to have you along for today\u2019s edition of The World and Everything in It<\/em>. Good morning, I\u2019m Myrna Brown.<\/p>\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0And I\u2019m Nick Eicher. It\u2019s Culture Friday.<\/p>\n

And it\u2019s that time of year again, our annual World Journalism Institute college course hosted by our friends at Dordt University. We\u2019re still in week one here in Sioux Center, Iowa, up in the northwest corner of the state and we have been busy.<\/p>\n

BROWN:\u00a0Our students are learning feature story structure, collecting color and detail, getting into the field, they\u2019re learning about radio and television, recording voice tracks and shooting stand-ups and learning Christian worldview.<\/p>\n

EICHER:\u00a0And today, they\u2019re asking the questions, speaking of Christian worldview.<\/p>\n

So let\u2019s bring in John Stonestreet. He\u2019s the president of the Colson Center and host of the Breakpoint podcast and he joins us now. Good morning, John.<\/p>\n

JOHN STONESTREET, GUEST:\u00a0Good morning.\u00a0<\/p>\n

EICHER:\u00a0Alright, let\u2019s turn it over to the students.\u00a0<\/p>\n

ZOE SCHIMKE, STUDENT:\u00a0Zoe Schimke of Colorado State University Pueblo here. Since the Supreme Court decision draft on Roe was leaked. Many prominent religious writers and commentators like Russell Moore, David French, and others have written about how the religious community bears some blame for secular cultures hostility towards the pro life stance. Do you think this is correct? And how should ordinary Christians respond to these kinds of claims? How do you feel about prominent religious figures that encourage us to take a nuanced or third way approach on issues like abortion?<\/p>\n

STONESTREET:\u00a0Hi, Zoe, such a great question. I don’t think there’s just kind of religious leaders encouraging us to take a third way. But we’ve probably got a third way, a fourth way, a fifth way, a sixth way and all kinds of other ways. And it’s so bizarre at some level, because some of them and I don’t know that I would include either of the two names you mentioned in this category. But there certainly are those that are convinced that we should snatch defeat out of the hands of victory here. And of course, Dobbs<\/em> is not victory. Dobbs<\/em> is just a great step in the right direction that taking down a row makes the world a better place and makes American culture a better place. Now, of course, the question you asked was, do we bear some blame for the hostility that secular cultures have towards the pro life stance? I mean, I’m sure the answer to that is yes. You know, at the same time, I’m not saying that we’ve never done anything to deserve some sort of hostility or to expect hostility. Of course, we have at the same time to give all sides of this, when you’re talking about abortion, you’re talking about core beliefs on both the right and the left. Abortion is a sacred ceremony of adherence of the sexual revolution. They’re not going to give up on that lightly. Any more than we would give up on the ability to gather and assemble or whatever else. Why? Because it’s essential to our way of thinking about life in the world. It’s essential. And so that’s why the temperatures are so high on this. On the other hand, we think that preborn babies are made in the image of God, and we think that killing them is wrong. So that’s why the temperatures are high on our side. In other words, we’re dealing with a core issue, a fundamental issue of belief on both sides of the coin. It’s not a live and let live sort of situation here. I believe the stakes are way, way, way, way too high. That doesn’t mean we should be jerks. It doesn’t mean it gets us off the hook from being anything less than Christlike. It doesn’t mean that we should be rude to people, mean to people, or anything like that. I’m just saying that that’s probably not the right starting point to determine whether or not we’re on the right side of history.<\/p>\n

MICHAELA ESTRUTH, STUDENT:\u00a0I’m Michaela Estruth from Hillsdale College. I was wondering, what do you think is the role of the Christian in engaging with secular companies who support organizations which clearly oppose God’s word? How can we be in the world and not of it? For example, in relation to Disney’s increased secular stance? Should Christians stop their support of such organizations and others like it? Or would this boycott make no difference?<\/p>\n

STONESTREET:\u00a0Thanks, Mikayla, great question. This is really hard. Because we are in a culture where it is very difficult to be completely pure. Part of this, by the way, comes out of theological reflections of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer\u2019s theology, by the way, was all over the place. But the point is that the purity test is the wrong test for Bonhoeffer. The right test is actually getting in there and trying to work out the ramifications. And I think we’re seeing some of this in this space that you’re asking about. And I’ve had these conversations with people who have been struggling through some of these decisions, and they’re the right conversations to have. We absolutely need to know as much as possible about the complicity that we have with these corporations. Once you step out of them, though, you lose your voice. Over the last couple years, I’ve had a conversation with a couple of folks who are just struggling with being on the board of a Christian educational institution, because they saw it going away from orthodoxy. And the challenge was, if they stay on, it’s like they’re complicit in what the school is doing. If they step off, there’s no more voices that he was one of the individuals. Essentially was literally the last one that was willing to do it. So that’s a hard place to be in. And I think when we fully separate from the culture, it’s hard to have a voice in it. At the same time, we shouldn’t be complicit. I think we’re gonna have to take this on a case by case basis, and not just across the board say boycotts are good or boycotts are bad.<\/p>\n

AIDEN TRIMBLE, STUDENT:\u00a0I’m Aiden Trimble. I go to Spurgeon College in Kansas City, Missouri. And here’s my question, with the investigation about officials in the Southern Baptist Convention intentionally covering up sexual assault breaking this week. How should Christians respond as one of the biggest evangelical institutions in the country takes a big hit in the public eye? And Can Christians use this tragedy as an opportunity to share the gospel with people who are disillusioned with Christianity as a whole?<\/p>\n

STONESTREET:\u00a0Yeah, Aiden, it’s such a brutal situation, isn’t it? It’s hard. It’s hard for a couple of reasons. One is just the degree of victimization here that the report that you’re mentioning, revealed, it’s just hard to read and to think that it’s, you know, from, you know, part of our family that’s guilty of that sort of work. That’s just so hard to take in. And it’s not an isolated incident. You know, it’s one thing when, you know, something really, really bad is an isolated incident. It’s another thing when you sense that it’s a trend and it’s like, every few months, we’re hearing some sort of expo’s a, on some bad behavior, particularly sexually. Our first reaction, my first reaction is sadness. And it should be anger, but I think there needs to be something that was widely critiqued in the wake of another scandal not too long ago, there was this critique of this idea about, you know, there but for the grace of God go I and I don’t say that, because I don’t know there was various reasons people gave none of them really made a lot of sense to me. Because it’s true. It’s absolutely true. And the moment you stop thinking that it’s true, the moment that you’re vulnerable, if you think that somehow the line of good and evil runs between me and them, between my denomination and their denomination, or my enlightened Christian blog, and they’re unenlightened, old school, traditional, pastoral pulpit, or wherever we draw the line. If we draw anywhere, except as Solzhenitsyn taught us, right down the middle of the human heart, we’re fools. And I think we’re in a time where God is cleaning up his church, it’s brutal, it’s painful, it hurts a lot of people. And it seems like that’s the kind of time we’re in. So I think that the first response should be sadness, introspection, and confession and repentance, whenever and however, we need to do it. And then, of course, there needs to be care for victims. And, of course, that’s one of the best ways that Christianity has advanced in the history of the world as at times when bad things have created victims, you know, the church was there to do victim care. When it’s our bad behavior that creates the victims, we lose the credibility to do victim care. And that’s a huge loss for the mission of the church.<\/p>\n

ANNA ALLEN, STUDENT:\u00a0I’m Anna Allen, a recent graduate from Patrick Henry College. What advice would you give to a young Christian professional working in Washington DC on how to survive the swamp as they say? Christians are called to be light in dark places. But what are some practical ways we can guard against the darkness seeping into our own lives?<\/p>\n

STONESTREET:\u00a0Anna, the most practical way you can guard against the darkness seeping into your own lives is to not try to do this alone, not allow yourself to be isolated. You need to engage with the church when you’re in that environment or that kind of environment. That’s what happens when students go off to university and they don’t have that sort of surrounding accountability and community and so on. Look, every book of the Bible was written to a community, not a person, even the ones like First and Second Timothy, written to a person, were also meant to be read to the whole community. I know we make fun of a particular political voice who said it takes a village to raise a child, but it does take a church to raise a Christian and there’s not any \u2013 I mean, look, I could talk about, you know, get your worldview straight. Make sure you know why you believe what you believe, be informed, know where the sources are, have a mentor. All that stuff is really important. The most important thing is to be a part of a church, be connected. And I don’t mean to attend church. I mean, be a part of our church. Clearly what we learned from COVID is that a much greater threat than governors saying that the church was not essential. It was everyday Christians thinking that the church was not essential, even how we attend church. And I have seen since the pandemic, the reasons we leave a church prove to us that the church is non essential. We’ve got to rethink our loyalty and commitment to the church.<\/p>\n

BROWN:\u00a0John Stonestreet is president of the Colson Center and host of the Breakpoint podcast. Thanks, John.<\/p>\n

STONESTREET:\u00a0Thank you.<\/p>\n\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0A four-year-old boy in the Netherlands may have to work his way back into Santa\u2019s good graces between now and December. <\/p>\n

This wasn\u2019t the usual 4-year-old infraction like leaving toys out or throwing a temper tantrum. No, the unnamed boy crashed his mom\u2019s car into two parked vehicles while she slept. <\/p>\n

Fortunately, no one was hurt. <\/p>\n

Police responded when someone reported a young boy walking around a road barefoot in his pajamas.<\/p>\n

Apparently he woke up early on Saturday after his dad went to work and his mom was not yet awake and decided to go for a joy ride. <\/p>\n

The boy got a friendly talking-to by police, who encouraged his mom to start hiding her car keys. <\/p>\n

Officers likened him to the 2021 Dutch world champion Formula One driver<\/p>\n

AUDIO:\u00a0Max Verstappen wins the Spanish Grand Prix!<\/em><\/p>\n

\u2026 posting on Instagram that they may have found \u201cthe new Max Verstappen.\u201d<\/p>\n

It\u2019s The World and Everything in It<\/em>.<\/p>\n\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0Today is Friday, May 27th. Thank you for turning to WORLD Radio to help start your day. <\/p>\n

Good morning. I\u2019m Nick Eicher.<\/p>\n

MYRNA BROWN, HOST:\u00a0And I\u2019m Myrna Brown. Coming next on The World and Everything in It<\/em>: war on film.<\/p>\n

Monday is Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember and honor those who died defending our country. It\u2019s also a good opportunity to learn a bit more about what they sacrificed on our behalf.<\/p>\n

EICHER:\u00a0Most of us know at least the basics of the major military conflicts of the last two centuries. But often the details get lost to time. And that\u2019s a shame because sometimes the least-told stories played the biggest role.<\/p>\n

A new movie streaming now on Netflix tells one of those lesser-known stories: the true tale of a fantastic ruse that helped turn the tide of World War II.<\/p>\n

Here\u2019s reviewer Bob Brown.<\/p>\n

BOB BROWN, REVIEWER: Dead men tell no tales\u2014unless they\u2019re carrying documents detailing phony plans to invade the European continent.<\/p>\n

NARRATOR: There is the war we see, a contest of bombs and bullets, courage, sacrifice, and brute force, as we count the winners, the losers, and the dead. <\/em><\/p>\n

Operation Mincemeat<\/em> tells the real-life tale of one of history\u2019s most successful military disinformation operations, in which a corpse played a vital role.<\/p>\n

Riveting performances and elaborate sets help Operation Mincemeat<\/em> rank among the best films about World War II, even with little combat action. While much of the derring-do takes place over teacups and typewriters, the dramatization of the plot to outwit the entire German army is nonetheless engrossing, and not without some darkly humorous moments.<\/p>\n

CLIP: Well, we\u2019ve managed to find a body. Pretty as a picture. And the process of transforming him to Major William Martin is underway. [Flashbulb]<\/em><\/p>\n

The film opens in early 1943. Both Allied and Axis military commanders understood that Sicily was Germany\u2019s \u201csoft underbelly,\u201d a vulnerable point of attack. If the Allies were to retake Europe, they\u2019d have to invade through Italy\u2019s southern shores. But the German war machine would be waiting. <\/p>\n

CHURCHILL: An invasion date of July is now set in stone. And right now, thousands of our boys already lie in Europe\u2019s soil. If we do not fool the Nazis and the enemy is waiting for us on those beaches, history herself will avert her eyes from the slaughter.<\/em><\/p>\n

How could the Allies lure German troops away from Sicily?<\/p>\n

Britain\u2019s intelligence service selects Ewen Montagu, played by Colin Firth, and Charles Cholmondeley, played by Matthew Macfadyen, to head the Twenty Committee. It\u2019s a top-secret group charged with formulating an invasion ruse. The committee settles on a scheme to plant false letters, photos, and other \u201cwallet litter\u201d on the body of a dead man dressed as a British officer. Then they plan to discreetly float the corpse into the path of Nazi agents on a beach in Spain. Most importantly, the fictitious \u201cMajor William Martin\u201d would be shackled to a briefcase containing correspondence mentioning an Allied invasion of Greece.<\/p>\n

AUDIO:\u00a0Fold the letter, but each fold only once. Then we\u2019ll photograph the folds. If the letter is returned, the wear to the fibers will show whether or not it\u2019s been opened. Then the eyelash idea, which is a good one. What eyelash idea? We place an eyelash in the fold. If the eyelash is gone upon return, it\u2019s another sign the letter\u2019s been read. The bigger worry is assuring the letter arrives in Berlin. If it lands with the Spanish Navy, there\u2019s a good chance they could return it to us unopened and unread. That\u2019s if the letter arrives in Spain at all. It\u2019s a big sea. Many detours await one little briefcase.<\/em><\/p>\n

Operation Mincemeat<\/em> follows the Twenty Committee\u2019s painstaking efforts to concoct Maj. Martin\u2019s biographical backstory and assemble corroborative personal effects. Detail is vital. They know German intelligence will be sure to scrutinize all of it.<\/p>\n

But fooling the Germans isn\u2019t the team\u2019s only challenge.<\/p>\n

Suspicions arise that Montagu\u2019s brother is a Communist sympathizer\u2014or worse, a spy for Russia. And Cholmonde\u00adley, a bachelor, resents the relationship developing between Montagu and Jean Leslie, a beautiful MI5 clerk serving on the committee. Despite all that, they understand the war\u2019s outcome could hinge on the committee members\u2019 craftiness and camaraderie.<\/p>\n

CLIP: And your partnership with Montague, how is that faring? Nothing short of first rate. Montague and I think with one mind. We\u2019ve developed a short hand. We\u2019re good friends. So you\u2019ve met his brother then, Ivor? No, no. Montague rarely speaks of him. Are you aware he\u2019s a communist sympathizer? Montague\u2019s brother? That\u2019s absurd. Our intelligence suggests otherwise.<\/em><\/p>\n

Operation Mincemeat<\/em> is rated PG-13. Expect some war-film casualties, two brief sensual scenes, and more than a dozen instances of blasphemies and other foul language. <\/p>\n

It shouldn\u2019t require a spoiler alert warning to confirm this risky operation worked. Hitler was fooled, and he left only two German divisions to defend Sicily. On July 10, 1943, 150,000 Allied troops landed on the island. A little over a month later, they had pushed German and Italian forces back to the mainland. But retaking Italy proved to be a costly task.<\/p>\n

I walked away from this entertaining film reeling from the plan\u2019s precariousness \u2026 and God\u2019s sovereignty. So many lives were on the line. The Twenty Committee made sure the dead man\u2019s personal effects told a convincing story. But only God could make it believable.<\/p>\n

I\u2019m Bob Brown.<\/p>\n\n

MYRNA BROWN, HOST:\u00a0Today is Friday, May 27th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It<\/em> from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I\u2019m Myrna Brown.<\/p>\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0And I\u2019m Nick Eicher. Time now for Listener Feedback, starting with corrections.<\/p>\n

BROWN: On Thursday\u2019s program, we told you about a court ruling in favor of the Air Force\u2019s COVID vaccine mandate. That was correct but we attributed that ruling to the wrong judge. It was in fact U.S. District Judge Brian Buescher [bisher, rhymes with fisher<\/em>] of Nebraska who sided with the Air Force.<\/p>\n

EICHER: Next, a correction from listener Kathryn Stocco. She called in from Winchester, Virginia, after hearing Myrna\u2019s piece on the music group, Village Lights. <\/p>\n

KATHRYN STOCCO:\u00a0At one point in the story it was said that the group can easily transition from a South African gospel sound to a Latin prayer. However, the song that was then sung after that introduction was actually in Greek, not Latin. The song that went, Lord have mercy, and then Kyrie Eleison. That phrase, Kyrie Eleison, is in Greek and is actually the only remnant of the Greek language that has been retained in the Roman rite Catholic mass today. The mass, or worship services of the early church was often in the Greek language as the apostles were evangelizing Greek-speaking peoples. So that\u2019s why Catholics retain that important prayer in Greek, even though much of the Catholic mass today is either in Latin or in the vernacular, the language of the region in which it is celebrated.<\/em><\/p>\n

BROWN: Well, thanks Kathryn, both for the correction and the interesting history lesson.<\/p>\n

EICHER: Next, we have an email from David. He wrote in from Virginia to ask about the way we close the program each day. He astutely observed that we almost always have a woman, either Mary or Myrna, read the closing Scripture. And he wondered whether that was intentional. <\/p>\n

And I can answer that it\u2019s more habit than anything else. I usually go first on the closing and my cohost follows.<\/p>\n

Years ago, Mary decided she wanted to read a scripture and she did that a few times, and then one day didn\u2019t. <\/p>\n

BROWN: Yeah, we got some listener feedback! Haha!<\/p>\n

EICHER: Well, we mentioned we\u2019re together again for World Journalism Institute, so our Executive Producer Paul Butler is nearby and he\u2019s dropped in . Paul, any thoughts on that?<\/p>\n

PAUL BUTLER, EXECUTIVE EDITOR: On two different occasions, the Apostle Paul instructs believers to \u201cspeak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs\u2026\u201d He doesn\u2019t restrict that to pastors, or elders, but instructs us all to do so. So when we end the podcast with a passage of scripture it\u2019s not merely a program convention\u2014or just another inspirational thought\u2014it\u2019s honoring a Biblical encouragement to speak the truth of the Word to one another. It\u2019s also a reminder of our mission: \u201cBiblically objective journalism\u2026\u201d <\/p>\n

BROWN: Next we have some constructive criticism about Culture Friday from listener Lee Banton. He\u2019s a youth pastor in Leesburg, Virginia and appreciates John Stonestreet\u2019s analysis of cultural issues. But, he says he often detects a lack of hope in our conversations.<\/p>\n

LEE BANTON:\u00a0I believe we do need to point out the issues within culture and be critical of them. But if that is all we do, then we are no different than the mainstream media on the left and right. As Christians, we have the most reason for hope, even when it seems hopeless. Yes, we must give the bad news that sin is in the world, and we are sinners destined for hell. But then, Jesus. Jesus is the Messiah that offers hope to be reunited to our Creator God and then to be the hands and feet of hope in this world. Therefore, as you talk about culture issues, we need to not only talk about the bad, but talk about where we can find common ground as Christians, and non-Christians and give the hope to continue to find solutions to move forward and persevere.<\/em><\/p>\n

EICHER: Fair enough, thanks, Lee.<\/p>\n

Next, listener Mitch Gebel from Edmond, Oklahoma. He called in after hearing Steve West\u2019s commentary this week on fonts.<\/p>\n

MITCH GEBEL:\u00a0As adults, it\u2019s easy to grow out of a child-like joy about the little things around us. My son, who\u2019s 2, helps me remind myself that it is the little things, like fonts, that can bring us the greatest joy. We giggle as we watch a frisbee fly through the air, or stand in amazement that a boat can float on water. It\u2019s the little things that really make the difference. My wife has a sign painted in our living room that says, \u201cJoy comes in sips, not gulps.\u201d And it is a daily reminder that it is things like fonts all around us that remind us of the beauty in the created world and can instill in us that joy and happiness that we can experience. Steve, thank you for a great commentary that articulated this. I know I appreciated it, and I\u2019m sure others did as well.<\/em><\/p>\n


Speaking of appreciation, I just want to say how much we appreciate you. We\u2019ve had an encouraging response to our New Donor Drive this month so far. Several days yet to go before the end of the month. So there\u2019s still time for you if you\u2019re a long-time listener, but you haven\u2019t given yet, we do hope you\u2019ll become a first-time donor at WNG.org\/newdonor.<\/p>\n

BROWN: Mmm-hmm! I want to remind you that it\u2019s your giving that makes possible programs like the World Journalism Institute. We\u2019ve got 28 eager-to-learn, wonderful students.<\/p>\n

They are sharp and I\u2019m excited to see how God uses them for His glory!<\/p>\n

EICHER: It\u2019s a highlight of my year, honestly, working with students. And, right, Myrna, very sharp. Thinking back, I\u2019m pretty sure I wouldn\u2019t have made the cut! Glad I got in on the ground floor.<\/p>\n

We\u2019re growing here at WORLD because of you, because of your support of our work, we continue to bring this program and we\u2019re creating new podcasts and even deeper reporting, we publish WORLD Magazine, bring you the day\u2019s news with The Sift and, for younger students, WORLD Watch daily video news. We couldn\u2019t have done it without your contributions.<\/p>\n

BROWN: So would you join in this month if you\u2019ve never supported WORLD? Again, WNG.org\/newdonor.<\/p>\n\n

NICK EICHER, HOST:\u00a0Time now to thank our excellent team:<\/p>\n

Mary Reichard, Kent Covington, Josh Schumacher, David Bahnsen, Kristen Flavin, Lauren Dunn, Anna Johansen Brown, Steve West, Onize Ohikere, Lynde Langdon, Joel Belz, Jenny Rough, Cal Thomas, John Stonestreet, and Bob Brown.<\/p>\n

MYRNA BROWN, HOST:\u00a0Johnny Franklin and Carl Peetz are the audio engineers who stay up late to get the program to you early! Leigh Jones is managing editor, and Paul Butler is our executive producer.<\/p>\n

The World and Everything in It<\/em> comes to you from WORLD Radio.<\/p>\n

WORLD\u2019s mission is biblically objective journalism that informs, educates, and inspires.<\/p>\n

\u201cSubmit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.\u201d\u00a0(James 4:7-8 ESV)<\/p>\n

Remember to worship with your brothers and sisters in Christ this weekend, and God willing, we\u2019ll meet you right back here on Monday.<\/p>\n


WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n

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