{"id":35942,"date":"2021-06-23T04:08:25","date_gmt":"2021-06-23T08:08:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.worldcatholicnews.com\/catholic-bishops-should-listen-to-their-pope\/"},"modified":"2021-06-23T04:08:25","modified_gmt":"2021-06-23T08:08:25","slug":"catholic-bishops-should-listen-to-their-pope","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.worldcatholicnews.com\/catholic-bishops-should-listen-to-their-pope\/","title":{"rendered":"Catholic bishops should listen to their pope"},"content":{"rendered":"

Regarding \u201cUS Catholic bishops OK steps toward possible rebuke of Biden\u201d (June 18): The U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops will ignore the Pope\u2019s request not to issue the declaration that would rebuke politicians for receiving Communion despite their support for abortion rights. . Pray tell, what happened to the institutional Catholic Church doctrine that the Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church who is deserving of obedience by all bishops?<\/p>\n


Bishop Kevin Rhoades of the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese in Indiana and chairman of the Conference\u2019s doctrine committee, takes the doctrinal cake when he says, \u201cWe need to accept the church\u2019s discipline that those who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.\u201d<\/p>\n

Is this bishop saying those who believe abortion is a decision solely between a woman and her God, and that government should have no place in that decision, are \u201cpersisting in manifest grave sin\u201d merely from that belief? So now, mere \u201cbeliefs\u201d rather than actions are grave sins?<\/p>\n

But more importantly, doesn\u2019t this mean that all Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and popes who either committed sexual abuse of minors, ignored or protected the abusers will no longer be able to receive the Eucharist let alone preside over the Eucharist celebration of mass, or for that matter any of the other six sacraments?<\/p>\n

Lawrence J. Madigan, Houston<\/i><\/p>\n

In the United States, we give religions certain benefits that are not available to other organizations. So if the Catholic bishops wish to engage in political manipulation, that is their right, but in doing so they move away from the status of a church to that of a mere organization, free to engage in extortion at any (legal) level that they choose, and free to pay taxes on income, and on their property.<\/p>\n


William Spindler, Houston <\/i><\/p>\n

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Miserable summers<\/p>\n

Regarding \u201cTry growing up in Pasadena without air-conditioning,\u201d (June 18): One purpose of each generation is to attempt to create a way of life for subsequent generations that might be filled with opportunities for growth, health and happiness. When my parents moved to Houston in 1952, they lived in a tiny, cinder-block house in Jacinto City. Casement windows and no AC, just an attic fan that served to sweep in warm, humid air laced with the pungent fragrance of a ship channel area pulp mill. They managed the best they could, grateful for a home of their own. All the while, they worked to give me the chance for an education that might propel me into a brick home with central AC in a neighborhood that perhaps smelled of gardenias and honeysuckle. Sympathy for and a small step away from those miserable summers. No guarantee; just a goal. And delight if the goal was realized.<\/p>\n

Carol Godell, Spring <\/i><\/p>\n

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Animal cruelty<\/p>\n

Regarding \u201cGov. Abbott vetoes bipartisan anti dog-chain bill. Twitter responds with #AbbottHatesDogs.\u201d (June 21): Gov. Abbott has now taken his political selfish veto powers to new levels \u2014 he\u2019s vetoed SB474 \u2014 the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act, a bill that would provide clearer definition of adequate shelter for dogs and prohibit the use of heavy chains. This bill was bipartisan, had more than 100 cosponsors, and was strongly endorsed by law enforcement \u2014 so they could act when they encountered a dog chained with no access to food, water, or shelter in subzero temps or 100-degree temps with no shade.<\/p>\n
