Ahead of those oral arguments, Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie — a senior fellow for the Catholic Association and host of EWTN’s radio show “Conversations with Consequences” — told “EWTN News Nightly” that the measure, if passed, would “deny women all sorts of protections that they have against unscrupulous and bad actors out there in the abortion landscape.”
The amendment specifically states that abortion shall always be allowed “to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s health care provider.” Christie pointed out to “EWTN News Nightly” host Tracy Sabol that the amendment’s language is “very vague.”
“The word health is not defined, and neither is the word health provider. There’s a lot of gray space in there,” she said.
Christie said the amendment, if passed, would “immediately take away any kind of commonsense safety regulation around abortion.”
“According to this ballot amendment, anybody could perform an abortion,” she said. “For instance, a girl could go to a Planned Parenthood office and be given the chemical abortion pill or a prescription for the pill by the receptionist. So there is no clinical oversight at all over something that is a very dangerous [procedure].”
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